
Our house is located in the picturesque village of Kamianna in the Beskid Sądecki. Honey Corner is an ideal choice for people who value peace and quiet. It is a perfect place to relax and spend time together.

Kamianna is a small summer village in Łabowa, situated few kilometres north of Nowy Sącz – Krynica-Zdrój. It currently has about 200 inhabitants. The western part of the Beskid Niski creates a picturesque region here – deep and narrow valleys with steep slopes. In Poland, Kamianna is famous as a center of apitherapy, or healing related to the breeding and use of bees. There are several centers in town, where research, processing and treatment are carried out.

The location of Kamianna has great advantages – the place where the hardened road was built only in the 1960s remained uncontaminated by the waste of modern civilization. Bees are simply stronger here than anywhere else. They produce the best honey in Poland, but their task does not end there. Virtually every manifestation of beekeeping can be used for the good of man. Propolis, that is bee kit, successfully competes with some antibiotics. It has antibacterial, antiviral, antifungal, antiprotozoal, anti-inflammatory, anesthetic and regenerating properties for people. The royal jelly is equally beneficial – the secretion discovered for science only 50 years ago. It eliminates tiredness, improves eyesight, improves mood and concentration. It is used, inter alia, in the treatment of neuroses and hypertension. Health effects are also possessed by pollen collected by bees – from the usual improvement of well-being to the fight against atherosclerotic lesions. The whole field of medicine dealing with “bee treatment” has been called apiterapia, and Kamianna like any other place is perfect for its centre. You can remove your ailments with the help of doctors. You can also be treated in a preventive way. That is why one of the few sanatorium apitherapy centers in Europe is situated here. The surroundings of Kamianna are interesting for tourists – this is the route from the northern tourist route to the north to Ptaszkowa and to the south to Kopciowa. The agritourism network is well developed. In winter they are great areas for cross-country skiing, there are also ski lifts for beginners.

For those who are interested in beekeeping, we refer to the bee-keeping museum, founded by the priest Dr. H. Ostach. The exhibition is a valuable source of information and an interesting place depicting various aspects of “beekeeping art”.

Kamianna is also a starting point in the Beskid Niski. The local tourist routes (blue and yellow) and bicycle paths lead to the peaks of nearby mountains – Ubocz, Dział, Okrągła Górka, Jaworynki, and Hłocza.

In winter, a ski slope in the center of the village is worth taking advantage of. On the northern slopes of the Round Hill, called by us “Snow Mountain”, there is a small ski station with catering facilities.

More information: www.kamianna-wyciagi.pl


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