Miodowy Zakątek is situated 400 metres from Kamianna ski lift and offers accommodation in a bright apartment with a fireplace. There is a living room with a seating area, as well as ski storage. The Miodowy apartment features war…

Magical Place – Kamianna
Our house is located in the picturesque village of Kamianna in the Beskid Sądecki. Honey Corner is an ideal choice for people who value peace and quiet. It is a perfect place to relax and spend time together.
Kamianna is famous as a center of apitherapy, or healing related to the breeding and use of bees.
Miodowy Zakątek
Contact with us
Miodowy Zakątek
Kamianna 18H
33-336 Łabowa k/Krynicy Zdroju
Contact info:
Other info:
NIP: PL 8710000634
REGON: 850016365
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